Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ten On Ten ~ December 10, 2011

Happy December ...
may you enjoy many
special moments
with family and friends
in the coming days...
Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ten on Ten ~ November 10, 2011

Three Girlfriends + Two Weeks =
One Wonderful, Fun Time in Cabo!!
Just doesn't get much better...
sun, surf, sand, sipping, shopping,
sitting, silliness, sights!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten on Ten ~ October 10, 2011

Sharing a "sampler" of highlights
from an amazing journey
with Juneau friends, Eric and Bunny!!
  Traveled across Canada by train
from Vancouver to Halifax
September 22 - October 5;
then flew to Boston and
 stayed on Cape Cod until October 10!




Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten on Ten ~ September 10, 2011

Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary
of the 9-11- 01 attacks ...
posting from Tahuya
 in honor of lives lost and
lives of those serving our country,
at home and abroad.
God Bless America!



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ten On Ten ~ August 10, 2011

A busy day of retirement "work"!! Jerry and his brother Mike ripped shingles and tar paper off our roof; checked the market over lunch. I made a rhubarb/raspberry crisp, began planning a September AIMS workshop for a school in Michigan, picked up the tossed items that missed landing in the trailer, harvested produce, and was delighted by a garden visitor. Tomorrow, see the Dr. and hope to give my boot, "the boot" and set my right foot free!!!