Saturday, September 10, 2016

Ten On Ten ~ 
Saturday, September 10, 2016

A beautiful sunny day in Tahuya! 
Enjoying the blessing of retirement ...
remembering soooo many 
"back to school" Septembers!

The weather was perfect for
Jerry and Mike to work on
assembling/installing the 
gazebo over the hot tub!

The weather was perfect for
Tahuya weekenders!!
Cathy had girl friends since
 junior high visit, and cousins, 
Merry and Traci, with friends,
enjoyed the beach house!

Sunshine is helping the tomatoes
and blackberries continue to ripen!

Dinner for the gazebo workers!

 Enjoyed a visit from 
nephew Shayne
and his new car!

Anticipating tomorrow's 
season opener ...
SEAHAWKS vs. Miami

 Remembering what happened
15 years ago ...